Wednesday 3 August 2011

Starbucks !

Craving for some drinks to energize yr day?
Have no fear for STARBUCKS IS HERE! ;))
In this post, i'll be recommending a few drinks of my choice from Starbucks! Enjoy guys!

First up, The Signature Hot Chocolate

One of Starbucks's rich, flavorful brewed coffees, selected to showcase their roasting and blending artistry !
Made with steamed milk, vanilla and mocha-flavored syrups, and topped with a generous swirl of sweetened whipped cream, this drink will definitely have one of the best chocolaty  that you have ever tasted! :D

Seconndlyy, The Dark Mocha Frappucinno Blended Coffee
Coffee, cocoa, with rich chocolaty chips blended with milk and ice. 
Together with the topping of sweetened whipped cream !

With combination of absolute chocolate and the rich, creamy taste of mocha-flavored sauce blended with milk, this beverage is a must-try for chocolate lovers!


And finallyyy, The Java Chip Frappuccino Blended Coffee 
Coffee with rich mocha-flavored sauce blended with milk, chocolaty chips and ice. Topped with sweetened whipped cream and chocolate-flavored drizzle !

With a combination of both coffee and chocolate, this beverage will ultimately indulge you in deliciousness ! Overall, a yummylicious beverage, Die-die must try!! ;)

Do try out these drinks at your nearest Starbucks Outlet today! You will definitely have no regrets! More posts coming up soon! :)
Feel free to drop us any feedback in the comment box! :D
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